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The topic of the paper is “If one loses memories, will he cease to exist”. It is the topic that gives the reader food for thought as it can be applied to everyone. The paper will be analyzing different aspects of how one can lose his or her memory and if someone has really loses it, will he die away or stop living as he is not able to remember who he is. The paper has covered many aspects of memory as why people forget or lose their memory. Different concepts of memory as proposed by psychologist have also been covered in the paper.


As a human, we are always surrounded by the people; therefore losing our memory does not mean at all to stop living or one should die as he is not living with his family. It is quite clear ideas about the nature of memory or about the laws governing the ability to remember and recall, we do not yet have, although we know something for a vast area of the mind, psychologists called preconscious thinking field. First thought that the mind is aware of everything happening in it, but the best contemporary thinkers recognize now that in the process of thinking consciousness is only a minor part. A very significant role in the sphere of thought is also given preconscious ideas, impressions, feelings and thoughts. It is now established that every conscious act is for a lot that lies in preconscious, in other words, every conscious action is hiding something else relating to predsoznaniya (Lamers, 59) (Lamers, 59).

Beyond the mind is a vast area predsoznaniya. The latter encompasses a lot of mystery, which attracts the attention of psychologists and other thinkers, their works exerted great influence on the ideas of the time. According to their calculations as soon as ten percent of the daily thought process are made consciously, the rest of the same intellectual work done in the "unconscious" or predsoznaniya. The so-called conscious thought is only the tip of the rocks that rise from the ocean floor. People are like a dark forest in hopeless night, the minds torches cast only a small circle of rays, which is wider penumbra of the ring, and further there is already midnight. Meanwhile, in that something dark and half-done a tremendous job, and its results, when necessary, breaks into the circle of light called consciousness. Memory is primarily ...
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