Interview Questions

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Interview Questions

Interview Questions

Tell us a little about yourself

This is a very common question. You need to have a short answer ready beforehand. Be careful not sound ready. Try to highlight issues related to the job you are applying. Talk about things you have done and jobs has been referring to the position for which you are interviewing. Start speaking from the oldest to the present. Many positions have the same name, but involve a different set of responsibilities. Are you sure you know them all in the company, which come from? Adjusting his story under the "best of your job", you risk to be trapped. In order to reduce their risks, indicate verbally, to any duties of this position, you proceeding from them, promote their "positive quality or knowledge." For example, "last work in the same position I did so and so and consistently showed excellent results, based on this, I believe that similar problems in your company, I will turn out successfully. Do I have to face them? ".

What attracted you to work with us in this position?

It is best to try not to utter the words that are likely to utter the following come to you for an interview. If you go to a market-leading company, we can assume that will work "in a strong team of professionals," but may not know this for sure until you start work. Employer may be pleasing to those words, but they do not say anything about you the most. You did not notice that this question really has two parts: "What attracted us to work with" and "what attracted this position?" So respond consistently to both. As described above, you may not know the real features of the office of the company, until you start working there.

Why did you leave your last job?

The desire to more fully realize their professional capabilities of a really good argument. But he (as well as any response) must be supported by the facts - "have participated in all the projects and the new is not planned," "I want to master the adjacent area, both in your company, and there it was impossible to move between departments." As for higher pay, the different recruiters are treated differently. Some may decide that it is the main reason, and taking you to the job, he runs the risk that even more attractive offer will make you leave. Employer is not profitable to hire the "flyer", so if you bring such an argument, then do not put it in first place and do not focus on it.

Do you consider yourself successful?

A good explanation is that she has goals that has been performing and who has helped others achieve their goals.

Tell us about your achievements

In this case, the situation will be presented in full, and a recruiter will see that you called the first such achievement is really what you can learn something, draw conclusions. This question, often worded as "significant ...
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