International Marketing

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International Marketing Strategy

International Marketing Strategy


I have chosen Starbucks Coffee Company as the desired company and, we all know that, Starbucks is the leading coffee company today and, has numerous retail stores around the world. Behar (2007) had provided a strong overview of Starbucks and, leadership principles in this company (Behar, 2007). Let us start with a brief overview of Starbucks. Starbucks Corporation has also planned to open more than 1000 stores in China by the year 2015. This company is situated in Washington and, considered as one of the leading company of United States. It is the biggest coffeehouse and a company, of the world because; it has 19,763 stores in various countries of the world. It has 12,848 stores in USA, 1,264 in Canada and 621 in China. Starbucks Corporation sells different varieties of coffees such as drip brewed coffee, espresso coffee, pastries, snacks and other items which include mugs and cups. All the products of Starbucks corporation are seasonal and, depends upon the environment and, locality conditions. Ice cream and coffee are also sold at numerous stores (Starbucks Coffee Company, February2008). Starbucks Coffee Company has a long term goal to open more than 50000 coffee stores in an entire world which is more than the triple of the present coffee stores (Starbucks, 2011). The work of Chatterjee et al showed that, majority of the stores will be outside of the United States and, if we consider major Asian countries then, it will include India and China.

Market Selection and Environmental Analysis

I have selected China as my desired country and, discussed the environmental aspects of doing business in China. The business of coffee and food corporations creates big revenue and, according to the report annual earning of Starbucks is $400 million (approximately). There are number of well known food and drink corporations which are running their business internationally such as Dunkin Donuts and Mc Donald's which the rivals of Starbucks are (Business Wire, April 7, 2009). The company always tried to maintain the quality of the product and, aims to satisfy customers (Behar, 2007).

It is also expected that Starbucks Corporation will open its first store in India in the month of October at Mumbai. Starbucks Corporation has also planned to open more than 1000 stores in China by the year 2015. Finland, Starbucks Corporation has opened the first store in May, 2012 (Business Wire, April 7, 2009).

It has been noticed that, the market of China has been emerged quickly after Asian economic crises in 1997 and, it is the fastest growing economics of the world. The population of China is enormous and, economic growth is sudden, and it is better to choose a business in China as it will generate better revenue than any other country. Due to large population, coffee business should do international marketing in China because, there are more chances of positive outcomes than, to start business in any other country. There is the rapid growth in the economy of China after she has entered ...
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