Intercultural Communication Issues

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Intercultural Communication Issues


In the era of internationalization and globalization, the communication between different cultures is becoming increasingly important. It presents a local level with an increasingly multicultural, a regional multinational institutions and cooperation in international organizations with transcontinental -world, as well as in cyberspace. The term intercultural communication has been widely used in many different areas, and fields. In many cases, however, remains rather vague and rarely well defined, and suffering, especially since the mid-eighties, the use of inflation. In this paper, the intercultural communications for Latino-Mexico, Asian-Philippine, and European-Romania are discussed. The reasons, diagnosis and recommendations for the improvement of intercultural communication are also highlighted in this paper.

Intercultural Communication Issues

Following are some of the reasons which are the major cause of intercultural communication issues.


“Any act that directly or indirectly lead to a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference against an alien based on race, colour, descent, or national origin, religious beliefs and practices, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social and cultural (Lustig & Koester, 68).”


"Trend, usually superior, by which we judge to foreigners according to the norms, values and standards by which we have been socialized ... a source of patterns of prejudice, intolerance, discrimination and stereotypes ... reduction to try to understand (the) types behaviour without judging foreign (Lustig & Koester, 68) "

See others from their own references, a single world view

Rating one's own culture and exclusion of other

Cultural fundamentalism

Hostile relations between different cultures


"A set of characteristics attributed to a group of people (their appearance, their culture, and customs), generalizing factor that serves to categorize people, denying their individual identity (Argyle, 26)."

1.Mental images

Simplified we form of the members of a group or reality

being socially shared such images;

others fall from one or two aspects of their group, ignoring the characteristics of each person


"Perception of others, and moral evaluation simplistic, generalized and categorical, not based on personal experience but with a strong emotional charge (Argyle, 26)."

preconceived idea about something or someone based on stereotypes.

opinion issued without checking their validity by the facts

or prevented hostile attitude toward another person that belongs to a group, assuming that it has the objectionable qualities ascribed to the group

can be positive or negative

condition our personal or group behavior

Diagnosis of the Intercultural Communication Issues

Communication strategies can be, and frequently are, influenced by the level of interaction and the resulting level of trust between partners that are developed over time. The communication strategy should be aligned with the existing trust and modified to changes in the trust level. In new intercultural relationships, increasing the trusting qualities between interacting parts can be stimulated through cross-functional teams and building an embedded social level of partnership via a well-articulated communication strategy. Therefore, one of the primary goals of communication strategies should be directed at building trust and to overcome the inherent motives to distrust due to the intercultural nature of the relationship (Oertig & Buergi, ...
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