Individual Essay

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Individual Essay

Individual Essay


This essay is a personal essay, which addresses the group project; how it went, group dynamics amongst the group members and the client organization at different phases of the project. Furthermore, it highlights the thoughts, feelings and experience that I got as an individual member of the group. The project that the group made, involved individuals to work in groups for an extended time. Furthermore, it undertook group's interaction with a client organization that group selected for the project.

Initially the group faced specific problems. One of the companies, which firstly agreed to provide assistance for the project but afterwards, its board of directors refused to provide any assistance. The group then had to find another organization and finally we got the assistance from co-op. even there, we had difficulties in getting the data from the manager as he was very busy. Team dynamics were good as all the members focused on their roles and, we always had a backup resource for every individual.


As the nature, of the project demanded, almost all the activities in the project carried out in a group by all the members in groups. Working in groups provided extensive learning, which includes the practices of group development and practical guidelines towards the goal accomplishment.

Group Development

There are different phases of group development, which include, three stages of the project group activity, two dimensions of activity and the process dimension and its phases (Bales & Strodtbeck, 1951, p. 485). Working in a group was richly rewarding with members of successful groups identifying strongly with one another, however; it was a challenging and a time consuming task because of the complex nature of the project that the group finalized. . The group development stage further categorizes in three stages, namely; Planning and preparation, Data generation and analysis, Resolution and writing up. These stages are important for any academic activity that needed to be done in the form of a group. Furthermore, individuals in the group learned the processes of management which involve planning, decision-making and organizing. Typically, the group operated simultaneously on two dimensions that are task and process. Task often represented as the obvious requirement of the assigned task a group has set and grounded in legal rationality. Process encompasses the personal relationships which group members engender in seeking to fulfil the group's tasks. Process is dynamic and volatile; sometimes it referred to as 'group dynamics'. In practice, process and task tend to be bound up with one another (Fisher, 1970, p.53).

In order to be successful, it was important to establish and maintain secure, reliable and continuing patterns of group development, which the group achieved through four procession phases of development. The characteristics of four key phases in the development of the project group process Phase includes managing of interpersonal relations and operational activities (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977, p. 419).

Task Achievements

Task achievement refers to as achieving success, which requires effort and commitment by members throughout, and especially in the group's formation phases (Barge, 2002, ...
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