Individual And Collective Cultures And How Self-Esteem, The Public, Private Self, And How These Two Different Culture Value These Things And How They Paly Out In The Child Rearing Ptrocess

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Individual And Collective Cultures And How Self-Esteem, The Public, Private Self, And How These Two Different Culture Value These Things And How They Paly Out In The Child Rearing Ptrocess

Individual And Collective Cultures And How Self-Esteem, The Public, Private Self, And How These Two Different Culture Value These Things And How They Paly Out In The Child Rearing Ptrocess


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures related to the affects of relationships between some psychological variable and how it may be affected by specific cultural and/or ecological factors.

In this paper, the author will cover the public, private, and collective self in two cultures. Moreover, the author will also cover the aspects of self esteem, individual and collective cultures. This research will be focuse on the lines of child rearing in Chinese amd American cultures.

With reference to the phenomenon of American and Chinese culture, marriage and motherhood became key social, cultural, and religious roles for women in the ancient world as pivotal civilizations arose. The development of clan and family units and the acquisition of property meant the need for procreation for economic reasons as well as to continue the family line. The dominance of religion in ancient peoples' understanding of their world and the worship of mother goddesses intertwined pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing experiences with superstitious, magical, and religious practices. Most women held an inferior position within ancient families and societies, but Ancient Egypt stood out as an exception, with its more egalitarian approach to marriage and family life.

The production of agricultural surpluses was a key prerequisite for the emergence of civilization, and ancient civilizations remained largely agricultural. Farming villages capable of producing such surpluses began to appear in the ancient near east by 5000 B.C.E. The first ancient civilizations began to appear between approximately 3500 B.C.E. and 500 B.C.E. in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. Other ancient civilizations appeared in the Aegean Islands, Greece, China, Australia, and Meso-America. Kinship through clans and later through families helped shape female roles. Many ancient societies prohibited marriages among members of the same clan. Earlier peoples such as the Australian aboriginals lived in larger groups, but as civilizations appeared and city life developed, people began living in more modern nuclear family units (Mulvaney, 1999).

Statement of Hypothesis

It is based on concerning relationships between some psychological variable and how it may be affected by specific cultural and/or ecological factors.


This chapter gives us an overview of the methodology, which describes how the research has been carried out. Methodology refers to how a research should be undertaken (Creswell, 2009, p. 86). In order to conduct a successful research, it is essential to collect relevant data from various sources and analyze it.

This research is founded on the qualitative study. The research encompasses the publications, articles and similar studies accessible on the internet to determine the public, private, and collective self in two cultures that have self esteem and individualistic and collective ...
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