Implementation Plan

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Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan


The purpose of developing an implementation plan is to move geriatric population towards a healthy lifestyle, that is, more effective than medication. The plan focuses on good exercise and healthy nutrition, in order to; provide a healthier and longer life to the geriatric population. The plan maps out a strategy that encompasses gradual process of providing healthier lifestyle in healthcare institution. The plan is discussed as under;

Obtaining necessary approval

In order to implement a change in prescription and healthcare, it is mandatory to take permission from concerned authorities, as well as, the concern of authorities who are going to be a part of the program. The methods used for obtaining the permission are discussed as under;

Permission from authorities: In order to obtain permission from concerned authorities, they could be reached through E-mail. One has to signify the objective of implementation of change, as well as, the necessity and associated outcomes.

Concern from staff: in order to, assure and encourage participation from concerned staff, one has to assure that concerned understand the motive of change. There should be a meeting where they could be explained the motive of the plan, as well as, put forth their queries and concerns (Lee & Wong, 1997).

Definition and background of the problem

Description of current policy: the current problem pertains to people of geriatric age group, who face slow recovery and medication side effects due to excessive medication intake, as well as, they recover slowly due to negligence of hospital methodology of treatment, which only, relied upon medication intake for any disease.

Required change: the proposed change is about provision of healthcare services that emphasize regular exercise, as well as, nutritious food to assure a healthy lifestyle and longer living. Medicines are more harmful to people of geriatric age due to lower body immunity, as well as, different disorders that require different medication for each. This mixed intake of medicines that heals one disorder; creates another disorder that remains underneath due to low strength and body immunity. Poor nutrition leads escalation of the disease, as well as, it causes forgetfulness and depression. In addition to unprompted nutrition, the lack of transportation and body immobility leads to slow recovery (Fuchs, 1999).

Proposed policy: the proposed change requires prescription of exercise and accurate nutrition intake, as well as, regular exercise for the patients admitted at geriatric age. This leads to speedy recovery, as well as, higher bodily strength that cure side effects of medicines.

Definition and proposal of proposed policy

Description: the new policy pertains to accommodation of exercise, as well as, accurate nutrition for elderly people. The policy emphasizes that exercise and nutrition have much greater role to play in their recovery and lifestyle. Exercise is the most fundamental component of human wellness and health, it helps adding a healthier and better lifestyle, which is difficult at age above 65 years. Nutrition intake adds to body immunity, that is, immensely necessary to fight medical disorder, as well as, ensure speedy ...
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