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This paper intends to analyze critique and understand the origination of creativity and inspiration in the field of art. The two historical periods chosen are romanticism and realism. These historical art periods will be described at first. Furthermore, the characteristics and social conditions of that era will be focused. Similarities and differences of the two eras will also be explored. 'Art work' of realism era is discussed in particular.


Work of art varies significantly across genres and time periods. Some works of the humanities seem to have originated from the minds of specific individuals or from social and cultural influences, while other works of art were influenced by the styles and characteristics of earlier periods and are often a continuation of or reaction to those artistic styles. The two eras of romanticism and realism shall now be explored. Romanticism precedes realism and both will be discussed respectively.


Artistic movement between the 18th and 19th century is known as 'romantic art.' This form of art was a reaction or rebellion against the artistic features of the era of enlightenment. The main characteristics that this era possess are nature's dominance over the mankind, subject matter which is chaotic and representing the dark. The romantic art basically was developed in the reaction to neoclassic approach to the art. It is commonly known as anti-classicism (Marcel, 1996).

Romantic art is known for its stylish boundaries blending. It depicts the characteristics of being deep, beautiful and zealous. Romantic art is against order, idealization and rationality. It promotes the idea of being imaginative, irrational and emotional. Romanticism depicts dissatisfaction with the social conditions prevailing in that era.


Realism tends to appear in a reaction to the work of romanticism. The movement of realism basically began from France in around the fifth decade of the 19th century. Realism believed in the reality and rationality of things and emphasized on ideology of objectivity. Realism was against the ideas of romanticism of being emotional extra ordinarily. Realists used to believe in truth and objectivity. Realism promoted that the classical and romantic theory of arts were artificial in nature and they does not connect to the actual life at all. The basic focus of realists was to represent the problems, customs and lives of lower and middle classes which are more realistic towards life (Stacy, 2004).

Relationship between Romanticism and Realism

Both the historical art periods are completely different from each other in a sense that one relates to the reality and objectivity of life while other depicts the importance of being emotional and romantic in life. The later period which is realism is a reaction to the period of romanticism, trying to modify the things that the era of romanticism lacked.

The purpose of realism behind deviating from the era of romanticism was to represent the real picture of life. In accordance with the realistic approach, romanticism was based on a complete lie and was not depicting the actual face of life. To compensate this lacking, realists work on the actual and natural phase of ...
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