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The period of 1939 to 1945 was a big turnaround for the whole world. The 7-year period brought a major shift into the world order posting a global war system, influencing the attributes of power and hunger for supremacy. World War II, which is commonly abbreviated as WWII, was a system of global destruction for the whole world including majority of the world's nations.

The Second World War was the artifact of the intense political and economic disarticulation in the aftermath of World War I. The seven-year war was started by the Germans invading Poland and later expanding invasion to the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the Asian giants, Japanese initiated a series of attack on the United States and in return faced a devastating atomic attack in the following years making the Japanese surrender. Hence, the contradiction was split in two blocks of Allies and Axis including U.S, U.K, and Soviets on one side, opposed by Germany, Japan, and Italy (Robert, 1969, pp. 12).



The Second World War ended in America's favor, as the hardship came to an end it brought up changes throughout the global arena in terms of industrialization, economic growth, social and cultural aspects. The US culture faced a major modification after the war as employment rate started getting better and income rose due to the fact of efforts in the war.

Influence of WWII on Culture

The American culture faced a severe turnaround after the WWII; this was helped by the hardship efforts. However, many cultural variations were pumped in the American society, as war lead a system of migrations in fluxing cultural variation within the society. Moreover, war also lead to better business of film, music, innovation, literature, art, and architecture and contributed for efforts in war (Regan, 1992, pp. 395).

Influence of Film

The influence of film was monumental and ...
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