How To Ride A Bike

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How to Ride a Bike: Instrumental Conditioning Paper

How to Ride a Bike: Instrumental Conditioning Paper


In its simplest form, a bicycle is a lightweight frame with two wheels designed to be propelled by pedaling. Credit for the invention is generally given to Baron von Drais, who invented a walking machine in 1817. Herlihy (2004) mentions the user straddled the wooden frame and rolled forward by pushing off with alternating feet against the ground. Obviously several iterations were required before the modern bicycle assumed its final form.

Instrumental Conditoning: Situation: An Explanation

Discussion of instrumental conditioning involves a closer examination of each of Skinner's three terms: stimulus/antecedent, behavior, and consequence. Because the most notable difference between instrumental conditioning and classical/respondent conditioning involves the role of behavioral consequences, this third term will be presented first. In instrumental conditioning, the consequences of an emitted behavior may either increase or decrease the probability of the event recurring in the future. Consequences may be divided into two distinct classes: reinforcers and punishers. Reinforcers are stimuli that follow a response, thereby increasing the probability that the response will recur in the future. Punishers are stimuli that follow a response and decrease the probability that the response will recur in the future.

Often mistakenly equated with rewards, reinforcers are not inherently pleasant and are context dependent (e.g., the candy bar that reinforces the hungry child may be punishing for the child who just ate a large dinner). Whereas rewards do not necessarily increase the probability that a response will recur in the future, reinforcers, by definition, must. Reinforcers may be categorized according to whether or not learning is required for them to increase response probability. Primary reinforcers are stimuli that are inherently reinforcing. Stimuli that meet biological needs (e.g., sexual gratification, food) are common examples. Generalized reinforcers are learned reinforcers that increase a wide variety of behaviors due to their cultural value (e.g., money, power, intelligence). Secondary reinforcers are stimuli that, while not inherently reinforcing, acquire the ability to increase response probability via pairing with primary or generalized reinforcers through classical conditioning (e.g., stickers used to reinforce good schoolwork). These objects are not inherently reinforcing, but through their association with other reinforcers such as intelligence, praise, and even money, they come to increase the probability of the events preceding reinforcement (e.g., studying, working hard).

The procedure of reinforcement can also be divided into two classes, depending upon whether a stimulus is added to or removed from the environment to increase the probability of future responding. Positive reinforcement occurs when a stimulus is added to the postresponse environment, increasing the future probability of the behavior preceding that stimulus (e.g., as a result of the teacher giving candy to the first child to raise his or her hand to answer a question, the child will be more likely to raise his or her hand to answer future questions). Negative reinforcement (relief reinforcement) occurs when a (unpleasant) stimulus is removed from the postresponse environment, increasing the future probability of that behavior ...
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