How Stem Cell Help Cure The Alzheimer's Disease

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How Stem Cell Help Cure the Alzheimer's disease

How Stem Cell Help Cure the Alzheimer's disease


Harold (1999) mentions the tantalizing scientific advances that might occur as a result of human stem cell research present the prospect of real progress in the treatment of diseases such as Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's, and arthritis, to name a few. Had we, as a society, had the foresight to appreciate the important role that the stem cell would play in biological research, we might have developed clearer mechanisms for consideration of research protocols from the standpoint of their scientific merit and ethical acceptability he, re stem cell research was carried out. As it is, in the United States we are in the awkward position of having to fashion appropriate mechanisms for review and approval of human stem cell research after the fact (Harold, 1999). This is a big discovery that this fatal disease can be cured with stem cell.

Research Questions

1- How Can The Spread Of Antibiotic Resistance Be Stopped?

2- How Stem Cell Help Cure the Alzheimer's disease?


The spread of antibiotic resistance can be stopped through stem cell and now, it is proved that fatal diseases like Alzheimer's can be cured from stem cell's help. Let's first discuss the Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a concept in evolution; it is considered by most to be a degenerative brain disease that was first described in 1906 and is the most common cause of dementia. Over the past 100 years, we have learned that many biological and clinical phenomena are included under the rubric of Alzheimer's disease and that perhaps the term can best be considered a two-word eponym that reveals as much about our ignorance as about our knowledge (Harold, 1999).

AD is characterized clinically by the insidious onset of cognitive difficulties, most commonly in memory and attention, that subsequently progress to involve language, perception, praxis, and (frequently) behavioral and psychological symptoms. Neuropathologically, the condition is characterized by progressive loss of neurons in association with neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. The cause of AD is unknown, although a variety of genetic mutations can cause early onset of AD and genetic susceptibility factors that modify late-onset disease have been identified. Much attention has focused on early recognition of AD, and a variety of labels, such as the controversial concept of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), have been used to label people who have mild intellectual difficulty. However, these terms are used primarily in research and should not be used clinically (Stem Cell Sciences United Kingdom, Roger Land Building, King's Building, 2009).

Scientists have used the technique to repair the damaged memory of mice - and it could work in humans. Stem cells are the basic building-block cells that can grow and change into different types of tissue.

US researchers injected neural stem cells into the brains of mice and after three months they seemed to have matured and made the right connections to reverse the memory deficit. The experiments provide the first evidence that stem cells could reverse cognitive damage lost through ...
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