How Drugs Affect You Physically, Mentally And Emotionally

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How drugs affect you physically, mentally and emotionally


The most popular drugs found in American society today include Marijuana, Phencyclidine, Heroin, Ecstasy, and Cocaine. Marijuana, considered the "softest" drug on the market, is made from dried leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It's long term effects include the impairment of judgment, comprehension, reaction time, memory, speech, problem-solving ability, reaction time, and driving skills. Short-term effects include confusion, acute panic attacks, fear, and sense of helplessness. Heroin, on the opposite end of the spectrum is one of the "harder drugs" available. It is highly addictive and can lead to fatal overdose, spontaneous abortion, collapsed veins, as well as HIV/AIDS.

Cocaine is currently one of the most popular drugs used with an interesting history. It began with use by South American Indians for over 2000 years. The rest of the world started in the 1800s however due to the adverse effects on addicts, it was restricted in 1906 and included in the Harrison Act of 1914. Although this reduced the use of cocaine for a time there was resurgence in the 1960s through the present. The phases of cocaine include binging, crashing, and withdrawal.

How drugs affect you physically, mentally and emotionally

Drugs in general have been popular since the beginning of time. However, specific drugs have become popular in different periods throughout society. For example, in the nineteenth century opium was at a high point in China. In the 1940s research shows LSD was the trend, with some doctors even treating patients with it. Today, designer drugs such as MDMA as well as marijuana are the drugs of choice.

Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, Peyote, Mandrake, and Cannabis are five drugs that are deeply intertwined within religion. Ayahuasca is native to the Peruvian Amazon area and used in religion as a "visionary tool" during ceremonies. Native Americans who believe it helps them communicate with spirits and nature use Peyote. Cannabis, used by the Rastafari, claim it was found growing on the grave of King Solomon and cite biblical passages to attest to its sacramental properties. Each religion views their own drug as a tool, in religion, despite the negative effects science tells us these drugs have.

Drug use in sports is a current issue seen on many of the sports section covers of newspapers worldwide. Conventional drugs (marijuana, cocaine, etc) are banned by nearly every professional league. On the other hand, leagues vary on their rules about performance drugs. The NFL and Olympic committee outright ban them however the MLB is much less restrictive. One major concern is the ethical issues of using performance enhancers. One side argues that it is a personal choice and everyone has access to the same products. The other side claims it gives athletes an unfair advantage.

There are many arguments for both the "war on drugs" and the legalization of them. Florida, for example, is a prime area for international drug trafficking and money laundering organizations. The Federal Government as well as states spends billions of dollars trying to control the ...
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