How Do Science Vocabulary Increase Students Achievement And Or Increase Students Writing Skills

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How Do Science Vocabulary Increase Students Achievement and or Increase Students Writing Skills

How Do Science Vocabulary Increase Students Achievement and or Increase Students Writing Skills


Background of the study

Language is a means of communication and every individual learns a language or two languages to communicate from early childhood. Language is very important because it serves as a means for people to exchange their ideas, thoughts and feelings with each other. Without language, life would have been impossible for human beings as their ability to think and talk makes human beings different from and superior to all other creatures on earth. Once a person learns a language, he/she becomes a member of a linguistic community. Since language helps a person to express their love, sadness, anger, and happiness, it has become a component of every culture in this world. For this reason, people from across the globe develop a deep rooted love and emotional bonding for their mother tongues. People have gone to the extent of fighting and hating each other just because they speak different languages. The importance of language in one's life can be easily judged by this. Once a person starts following a language and acquires command over it, sometimes there arises a need to learn other languages too (Cummins, 2009).

The clearest example of this phenomenon is the acquisition of English Language, which has become a necessity for people across the globe in order to communicate with each other. This is because the English Language has become an international language and Lingua Franca which means a language which serves as a vehicular language, or a working language. Lingua Franca helps people with different mother tongues to communicate with each other. Though, the English Language enjoys a very significant status in the world being the international language of communication, the importance of another language can never be undermined or underestimated as every language hold a great value within itself and speakers of every language have a profound love for their native languages which renders a greater significance to any given language. Since the English language is an international language, learning it has become a need for everyone in the world. This is especially important for this age of rapid globalization and information and technology wherein people have a completely altered interaction pattern and a growing need for communication with people from other parts of the world. The new media has made it utterly essential for people to understand and communicate in English Language in order to stay updated with the rest of the world.

Aims and Objectives

This research has the following aims and objectives:

To assess the importance of English as a foreign language;

To determine the type of supporting materials used in EFL educational institutions across Arab;

To evaluate the selection of EFL didactic material;

To Identify and analyze supporting materials used for teaching children and adolescents in EFL classes;

To describe and analyze each one of the supplementary materials used in EFL classrooms in terms of pertinence (content), appropriateness (students' needs), and quality;

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