Healthcare In 2022

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HealthCare in 2022

Health Care in 2022


In United States, healthcare is providing through many different organizations and, healthcare is operated by several private sector businesses. Today, there are number of healthcare programs for children, old age people and women in United States. According to the US Census Bureau, there was 16.3% population who was uninsured in 2010 which included the 49 million. The commonwealth fund in United States ranked as the last in providing the quality healthcare to individuals. In United States, life expectancy rate has been increased since 2000 but, it is still not good when compared to other countries (Thomas Bodenheimer, 2008). The diseases like diabetes is becoming common in an entire U.S. with other dangerous diseases like HIV aids and, different cancers. The poor health in United States is due to the consumption of alcohol, drugs, obesity, that affects the 33% of the people. The junk food consumption with high fats and less minerals promoting diseases like diabetes. There are different barriers in rural areas for the treatment of diseases and, there are ethnic and language issues. Minority has not been treated equally when comes to healthcare provisions and, they don't get sufficient treatment as compared to majority. United States has focused to improve the quality of air and, control the spreading of mosquitoes to prevent diseases like malaria but, death rate is still growing at a certain speed.


In United States, healthcare fails to provide the facilities it has promised for individuals in a cost-effective way and, it also suffers from the medical errors and waste. According to an estimate in 1998 by Institute of Medicine (IOM) declared that medical errors lead to 98000 deaths per year and, in 2010, it was noticed that there was still much work to be done in the healthcare sector. Another estimation described that Americans received half of the medications after prescriptions. Fisher et al described that United States was saving up to 30% of the Medicare expenses by compromising the medical outcomes and patient satisfaction. The conditions of uncertainty in the field of healthcare was due to three reasons such as; biological vulnerability, uncertainty about the medications and uncertainty about the treatment of the patient. The other reasons of healthcare complexity are due to the insurance policies faced by numerous healthcare organizations each year (Andrea Louise Campbell, 2012). It has been researched that several physicians or internist in United States waste their 40 to 50 minutes in order to deal with the care administrative hassles. The recognition and incentive awards for physicians are little and, pays normally for face-to-face. The other external factors contributing in the healthcare system of the United States include the aging problem (Elliott S. Fisher et al., 2003). With the passage of time, number of diseases and old people are increasing in United States and, there is a huge burden of disease due to aging population. Patients have to manage their own health in order to control the cost of their healthcare ...
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