Health Care System Of Germany

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Health care system of Germany

Health care system of Germany


The health care system of Germany has an excellent reputation around the world as it consists of modern hospitals and clinics, which offers full range of treatments and the latest medical technology. Germany is also famous for its high quality medical care and hospitality. For these reasons, Germany has now become the world's first destination preferred by the people all around to world for getting effective, efficient and economical medical care. Contain medical facilities in Germany on sufficient resources and a high degree of specialization in terms of feeding patients coming from abroad. Excellent quality of medical treatment in Germany is based on a huge variety of services, which includes; convenient hospitals, the latest technology and highly qualified personnel in the medical field. These are the key factors that gave the German health care system an excellent reputation. Moreover education of doctors in Germany depends on the organization and development (Wessen, 1999).

Medical care in Germany enables patients coming from abroad to avoid waiting periods as it provides access to reliable laboratory results and more quickly. Med2Heal is an organization created to facilitate the foreign patients enabling them to provide easy access to the health care facilities in Germany. Med2Heal organizes high quality medical treatment in Germany, where he has an excellent partnership network with leading hospitals and specialists. The major of Med2Heal is to provide people with excellent medical care and a wide range of additional services to fully meet the needs and expectations of the people. The principles of Med2Heal include exclusivity, confidentiality and professionalism. Med2Heal is one of the leading agencies in Germany to organize trips for medical purposes, which really cares about humanity. Med2Heal offer a wide range of treatment options. Med2Heal provide personalized service to the patients, which enables the patients to have easy and instant access to professional medical help without any extra hassle.

In addition to experienced doctors and modern treatments, another major advantage that is possessed by the German health care system is the availability of latest machineries for efficient treatment of patients, because the latest technologies are required in order to effectively address the health issues of the state. German companies are pioneers of medical technology in the world where medical industries combine two areas in which Germany excels: German engineering skills on the one hand and medical innovation on the other hand, nearly 150,000 people working in more than 11,000 of the leading companies in the medical technology in Europe (Busse, 2000).


German health system is built on the principles of solidarity, equality of access and self-government. The last of these principles being implemented at the federal level through the books of social laws, the state creates an infrastructure regulations and services, in which, the local representatives (medical foundations, associations of doctors and associations of health care facilities). This implies that the government is not directly involved in the organization of health care, but medical monitor's compliance activities foundations and other applicable laws; we have ...
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