Health Assessment

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Health assessment

Health assessment

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Comprehensive Health Assessment

The comprehensive health assessment is based on all the procedures and tests an individual needs to get an extended overview of his or her overall health (Hirdes, 2008). Most of the people regularly go for comprehensive health assessment as they want to keep themselves active and healthy. It is extremely important for an individual to have continuous health checkups in order to diagnose any growing disease or potential health risk. In comprehensive health assessment an individual have to go through all the tests and medical procedures for diagnosis of any potential weakness of disease. A standard comprehensive health assessment is based on the following tests and clinical procedures (Hirdes, 2008).

Assessments and Evaluations

Physical Exam and Comprehensive Medical History

At this level an individual receives a complete head to toe physical examination that includes a complete review of past medical history. Patient receives complete consultation if needed and a summary of health is provided at the same time (Thomas, 2005).

Comprehensive Lab Assessments

A list of lab tests have to be done for complete diagnosis, the tests are as follows: (Hirdes, 2008).




This test is conducted to find out the disease in kidneys, infections and prostate issues.

OP-16 chemistry

A complete chemistry penal is used to diagnose diabetes, liver infections or disease and kidney disease or infections.

ABC with differential

This diagnostic test is done to determine blood diseases, infection and anaemia

Thyroid stimulating hormone

It is used to diagnose an over or under active thyroid.

Lipid panel

Used to view complete profile of cholesterol level in blood.

C-reactive protein

This test is used to identify the reason behind inflammatory issue that can signify risk of coronary artery disease.

Chest x-ray

Used for screening lungs for any infection or disease.


For screening number of potential health issues that include enlargement of heart chambers, detection of heart attack, infection or damage to heart muscle and irregular heartbeats.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

For diagnosing enlargement or cancer in prostate and this test is mostly conducted on males with an age more than 40 years.

Body Fat Assessment

Higher the level of body fat means an individual is moving towards getting obese. Obesity is one of the most terrible diseases that can give birth to too many other interrelated diseases. Body fat assessment can help the physician in diagnosis of diabetes, higher level of cholesterol and heart diseases. Body mass index (BMI) is used for calculating the body fat and healthy weight (Hirdes, 2008).

Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT)

This test helps in diagnosing diseases related to heart, which is the leading reason behind the deaths of adults around the globe. It is a tool that is used in identification of various hidden cardiac issues and for checking fitness of heart (Nathanson, 2007).

Nutrition Assessment

This assessment is conducted by a registered dietician in, which complete review of diet plan of an individual is done. For this assessment the dietician reviews an individual's supplements, alcohol intake history. The dietician helps an individual in guiding an individual in achieving the overall personal goals as all the guidelines are based on the medical history and ...
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