Health And Safety

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Health and Safety

Work Health And Safety

ANS # 01.

According to the work health and safety act of 2001, Work Connect was required to provide John with some training facilities. The training session should include critical information and procedures to ensure the safety of all workers. These procedures should address the nature of the work which has to done by the worker, the nature of the risks that are associated with the work as well as the implementation of the controlling measures that are supposed to be taken. Work Connect was successfully able to carry out this training which was attended by Ryan and mostly everything was covered.

The health and safety act of 2001 covers a lot of other requirements which have to be fulfilled by the employers as well as companies like Work Connect. However, apart from the training and process procedures, others things have to be done as well. This includes the management of safety and health as well as the precautions that have to be taken. The management of safety and health is considered as extremely critical in ensuring a safe workplace. Under the worker health and safety act, the legislative responsibilities have to be fulfilled by all employers. This includes assessing potential risks to partners, employees or anyone else who could be affected by its activity. Work connect was not able to fulfill this responsibility. This is because a week before the incident took place, the directors as well as the managers were of Work Connect were informed through a memorandum regarding the possible problems in truck # 002.

The memorandum clearly stated due to some issues in the bucket lift of truck # 002, it could not be trusted, especially if used near the power lines. It highlight the potential danger by stating that the bucket may get uncontrollable and start swinging posing potential damages and fatalities to the workers. This information should have communicated to the employees by Work Connect as they are responsible for these workers. However, they failed to do so and thus they are in violation of legislative responsibilities of employers. Most of the other regulations and formal laws concerning health and safety of workers were properly fulfilled by Work Connect. They managed to provide proper training in order to teach the workers the ways of tackling difficult problems.

The worker health and safety act also demands the employers of informing the workers about the necessary use of the equipment required for the job. These were properly communicated by Work Connect but Ryan however failed to apply them and was too lighthearted and carefree to apply them. Had he applied the training he received, there is a big chance that he may have survived the incident. Ryan was not wearing any gloves which were compulsory for the tree loppers to wear during the job hours and specially when conducting such dangerous operations. Work Connect could be also be convicted on the grounds that it did not take any action against the vehicle number ...
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