Hackman & Oldham's Five Dimensions Of Motivating Potential

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Hackman & Oldham's Five Dimensions Of Motivating Potential

Hackman & Oldham's Five Dimensions Of Motivating Potential

MPS Score

My MPS score details are as follows:

Skill Variety


Task Identity


Task Significant




Feedback About Results




Work motivation is a function of the five dimensions stated in the above table of scores. From the above MPS score, it is evident that for all the categories except for Skill Variety and Autonomy on job, my job scores are quite satisfactory. The other areas of my job are doing fine. However, there is a need for improvement in the Skill Variety area. This means that I do not need a variety of skill set to perform my job (Judge & Thoresen, 2001).

My job is something that gives me the chance to not only start a work but complete it by myself too. This is essential in that if you are doing something entirely on your own then you have the chance to know how well you're doing it in that any fault during the entire stages of the task will be your own. You would know exactly where you did well and where you went wrong. Also, the tasks that I perform on job are very significant and have a major impact on the overall functioning of the organization.

The maximum score that you can get is 12 since each dimension gives the score as a sum of 3 questions and the maximum that you may score on a question is 4 points.

MPS score and job autonomy

My MPS score would be as follows, if my Job Autonomy was equal to zero:

Skill Variety


Task Identity


Task Significant




Feedback About Results




My overall score on MPS would be 37. Motivation is a function of job autonomy as much as it is a product of the other four dimensions. If the level of ...
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