Greco-Roman Influence

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Greco-Roman Influence


Greece and Rome are both Mediterranean nations, but the geography of the two countries is totally different. The Greeks and Romans are considered to be alike in some attributes, whereas there are certain features which pull them drastically apart. Politics had the supreme influence in the ancient civilization of the Greeks and Romans. It is of vital importance to consider that the Greeks and the Romans pursued aristocratic code of conduct, even though they both tried to demonstrate democracy in their governance. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis and research on the great civilizations of the Mediterranean's.

Table of Contents




Mediterranean Society under the Greeks and Romans4

How were they alike?5

How were they different?6

How did they each influence the western world?6



Greco-Roman Influence


To understand the Mediterranean world, one requires the knowledge of Greek and Roman authority on the populace of that time and domain. The story of the Mediterranean glory begins under the rule of Alexander of Macedonia more popularly none to the world as Alexander the Great. This followed with an enormous expansion of the Greek language and civilization along with the most influential political domination of the Mediterranean terrain. The legacy of the Roman and Greek civilization on the known world of the first century was pervasive and enormous. (Wolf. G, 1998)


Mediterranean Society under the Greeks and Romans

During the Classical age, the Mediterranean geography was dominated by two extremely influential civilizations; the Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks did not construct a centralized authority across their ruled territories they did serve to connect the Mediterranean and Black Sea area through migration, trade, and cultural communication. In sharp comparison to the Greeks, the Romans constructed an extensive, cosmopolitan empire that covered much of Europe and northern Africa. A rigid managerial structure and organized trade channels promoted the movement of citizens, ...
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