Great Lakes Great Decisions

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Great Lakes Great Decisions

Great Lakes Great Decisions

Great Lakes Corporation has been involved in the production of lead additives through its subsidiary Octel for several years. This was not highlighted before as the company was low profile. But over the years, due to the increased activeness of environmentalists and great public criticisms leading to the bad reputation of the company, Great Lakes are now bound to take some wise step in order to reduce the criticism and attain a good reputation. This must be done in such a manner that the company should not be affected greatly in terms of financials.

During the era of 60's, it was observed according to a research that lead turned out to be a major threat to the health of humans, especially in the case of brain damage in children. The presence of lead in the air through the use of led-additive fuels had also affected adults as well. This trend can still be seen in the developing countries where transition to non-lead fuels is still not made possible.

Great Lakes Corporation is the leading manufacturer and supplier of lead additives to the developing countries and owns 90% of the total market of lead additives. Despite of being banned in the developed countries, the developing countries rely heavily on lead additive fuels for the growth and survival of their economy. Environmentalists are pressurizing Great Lakes to quit producing and supplying lead additives that has been causing great environmental and health effects. Great Lakes Corporation has been reluctant in doing so due to the fact that this sector contributes more than 50% of its total revenue, thus offering huge financial incentives and opportunities.

The toxicity of TEL and environmental impact of lead released by burning millions of tons of leaded fuel has gradually led to the abandonment, first ...
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