Glo-Bus Simulation

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Reflection on GLO-bus Simulation

Reflection on GLO-bus Simulation


GLO-bus is a completely online exercise where teams of students run a digital camera company in head-to-head competition against companies run by other class members. Company operations parallel those of actual digital camera companies. Just as in the real-world, companies compete in a global market arena, selling digital cameras in four geographic regions—Europe-Africa, North America, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.

This paper would be the discussion of my personal experience of trading cameras in a simulated industry environment. Techniques of sale is the term which indicates the set of methodologies that are classified and recognizable used during a negotiation of sale in order to obtain the explicit consent to the purchase of a product or service by an potential buyer. The scope of the negotiation process is implemented by anyone with the professional activities of the seller (as an employee or sales agent) on behalf of companies that cater to one or more of business and consumer markets. Depending on the type of market and complexity of products / services that the vendor offers, you can distinguish various Sales Techniques applicable: outlining an ideal range that goes well from those in which the objectives and customer needs are the focal point trading, so-called consultative sales, up to those in which the pressure exerted to induce the purchase is likely to highlight whether due to a conviction of such "pseudo manipulative" (Benedict, Shajulin, 2008, p. 101).

Reflective Analysis

Given the centrality, for any type of technique, the dynamics of the relationship that develops between seller and buyer, we understand the conditions of deepening psychological that motivate the purchase is a key factor and is a common denominator of the training carried out in classroom and field for the benefit of sales professionals. As with any type of jurisdiction based on the study and observation of dynamic behaviour, even the Sales Techniques change and adapt to changing scenarios in which they are applied (Benedict, Shajulin, 2008, p. 101). The proliferation of mass media from which the buyers, private or corporate, can draw more and more detailed information on offerings available in a given market increases the degree of critical awareness and expectations of themselves in the products / services available. As a result, the Sales Techniques move progressively from a dimension of hard selling, where obtaining the order by the customer is the primary objective to be pursued independently of the real needs of the customer, to a scenario of soft or selling consultative sales, where the primary objective is to understand the explicit and implicit needs of the customer and then create harmony, where possible, between these and the actual offer that the seller is able to offer. Listening to the active , assertive behaviour and emotional involvement in the round of the customer are now universally recognized as essential dimensions for an activity of professional selling point to both qualitative and quantitative results are worthy of success (Wopereis, Iwan, et al, 2010, ...
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