Gideon From The Old Testament

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Gideon from the Old Testament


The Old Testament consists of 39 books on the history from Genesis to Malachi. Beginning with Genesis, all while undated marks the beginning of creation, when God created Adam and Eve, they were without sin. Nevertheless, they have sinned when they disobeyed God and ate some fruit from the tree (Bright pp 12-93). After Adam and Eve, we learn about the destructive power of sin and its bitter consequences. Then Noah was to make the form of destruction of the flood, because he obeyed God and built the ark. Just as God protected Noah and his family, he still defends those who are faithful to him today.


In 1209, Deborah became a judge of Israel, 1162; Gideon becomes a judge of Israel. In 1105 Samuel was born, he became one of Israel's greatest prophets. He was a man of prayer who completed the work of judges, he anointed the first king of Israel. 1075 BC, Samson becomes Israel's judge Samson was a huge potential to help achieve God's plan, he received a tremendous physical strength. Samson wasted his strength on the drawings in the end he gave it to satisfy any woman (Bultmann pp. 72-75). We remember his last days of grinding grain in prison. In 1050 BC, he became king of Israel was God's chosen leader, but that does not mean that it is capable of being king for his own. His story told in 1 Samuel 9-31.

In 1010 BC David becomes king, he is one of the greatest men in the Old Testament, however, that while the lists of another traitor, liar, adulterer and murderer. David with Bathsheba, and they have a son named Solomon. In 970 BC, Solomon becomes king. He was considered not only the young but very wise king, but by ...
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