General Psychology

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General Psychology

General Psychology

Module 1

Circadian Rhythm

The circadian rhythm is the internal clock that regulates the cycle of wakefulness and the rest of humanity. This cycle varies between 23 and 25 hours from one person to another, which means that we are sometimes on the sidelines of the 24-hour clock that dictates our work schedule and social life. Daylight often triggers or resets the cycle. History teaches us that humans are active during the day (which is good for security, since we can see what we do). Any disruption to this cycle contributes significantly to fatigue, and that is what causes jet lag when we travel from one time zone to another. The cycle is characterized by high levels of vigilance and low: a low vigilance in the middle of the afternoon and lowest in the last hours of darkness (usually between 3 pm and 5 pm) (Baars, B, 2006).

Alcohol consumption has a lot of negative effects on humans. The effects are very severe as it alters the circadian rhythms of physiological, behavioral functions, and endocrine functions. Alcohol and other drugs may provide relief for a short while to the depressed individuals; however, drugs and alcohol usage have long lasting and negative impact on the lives of an individual(Miller, P, 2002).

Module 2

Personality is a name of internal control system that allows adaptation and internal integration of thoughts, feelings and behaviors in an environment. A question arise that how the mutual interaction of genes and environment affects human development. Studies have shown that matter, and confirm them in life observation that the same genotype (as with twins), or similar, will give different forms of behavior in other environments. Conversely, the same team of external factors shape different people with different genetic predispositions (Lecos, M.A, 1997).

According to Lerner (1986), Psychology distinguishes between varying levels of environmental impacts. The first level includes internal biological factors, and the impact on unit still in the womb, where genetic factors can be altered in certain physiological states such as maternal smoking, drinking, and poor nutrition, completed in this time of illness.

The next level is the individual psychological factors. Studies have confirmed the impact of maternal mental states such as stress, which was hampered during pregnancy. The final factor affecting Human Development is external environment including noise, pollution, inadequate nutrition etc. The last and the fourth level that affects human development are the social, cultural and historical perspective. Place, time of birth, education, medical practice, living conditions and nutrition have significant implications on human development (Carlson, N., & Buskist, W, 1997).

All Psychologists agree that heredity plays a crucial role on the development of human beings. If one or two of parents are obese, there are exponential chances developing the disorder. A DNA leading to obesity has not yet been discovered, but scientists believe there is one. There is a very strong "nature" of weight elements. People who are obese in present their ancestors may be predisposed to obesity, even if they are raised by thin parents who ...
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