Gardner Intelligence Paper

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Gardner Intelligence Paper

Gardner Intelligence Paper


When Howard Gardner published his book Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligence in 1983, he introduced a new way to understand the intelligence failure of children in school in the United States. According to this theory, all humans possess all eight intelligences to a greater or lesser extent. An engineer needs a well-developed spatial intelligence, but also all other needs: logical mathematical intelligence to perform structural calculations; interpersonal intelligence in order to present their projects to the intelligence body, kinesthetic to drive your car to work, etc. The theory of multiple intelligences has become a catalyst and under many current educational strategies. According to Gardner, there are eight intelligences through which individuals focus and create problems products (McClellan, 2008).

The most important thing is to remember is that we all have all kinds of intelligence, and we can all develop any of these, but of course, everyone is different and each will develop them differently. Howard Gardner (Scranton, United States, 1943) has won the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 2011. His greatest contribution to the social sciences is the theory of multiple intelligences, which has been a significant change in the educational model. This theory holds that there is no single intelligence, but each individual has at least 8 cognitive skills: Linguistics, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Spatial, Naturalistic, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal Intelligence.


Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence allows us to understand others and their behavior. It is the intelligence that allows us to interact better with people. Studying psychology is one of the things that can help us develop this intelligence, empathy develops better understanding of nonverbal language, different types of people, or behavior of the human mind, but in the end, practice makes perfect and interacting with people is what makes us an entire public relations. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand other people, interact with them and establish empathy and rapport. To discern, understand what happens to someone else in a given context and act appropriately in relation to moods, behaviors and desires of that person is extremely useful to communicate effectively in everyday life. People with interpersonal intelligence are popular, have many friends, and have a good relationship with their co-workers and the people around them in general (Kornhaber, 2001).

Interpersonal intelligence (or social) allows the individual to act and react with others correctly and appropriately. It brings to notice the differences and nuances of temperament, character, and causes of action between people. It allows empathy, cooperation, tolerance. It can detect someone's intentions without being admitted. This intelligence allows solving problems with our relationships with others, and it allows us to understand and generate meaningful solutions to help them. The charismatic personalities all have a high interpersonal intelligence. Empathy is essential in our relationships with others. To achieve this, it is helpful to be in a relaxed position, receptivity, without preconceptions or sterile defensive. One key to keep in mind is to generate empathy and to pay close attention to nonverbal ...
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