Freedom Of Religion

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Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Religion


This paper intends to explore that how can military chaplains help facilitate "freedom of religion" for all service members who ask for assistance. Some have belittled what they feel is an attempt upon the part of the United States army to put stress upon chaplains to market universalism, even if their individual faith and organization do not suggest the idea. However, many army commanders, such as mature chaplains, have taken the place that the privileges of others to their values must be well known, without actually improving the rightness (or truth) of their values, which might be known as pluralism rather than universalism. Chaplains in America, like all U.S. army authorities, take a promise to secure and secure the structure, such as the right of spiritual no cost works out (Croxon, 2009). Chaplains are required to assist the privileges of employees of all beliefs to their "free work out of belief," while keeping their own individual right to don't agree with the values of others.


Prevention of state authorities from actions that support one faith over another and providing the freedom to the chaplains to practice their faith without any intervention from the authorities is the essence of the first amendment of the United States structure. The authorities make efforts to support religious faiths in the situations when the chaplains' religious practices are affected by the activities they have been asked to perform. In order to avoid the breach of contract between the authorities and the chaplains, the Free Exercise Clause of the religion must be implemented.

Placing restrictions on army chaplains regarding their religion practices is the most obvious cause of tension between the state authorities and the chaplains. Religious practices needs to be and are protected by various moral and ethical laws. Religious practices are also protected by the legislation of the country. The Defense Department has developed a complete framework for the religious practices of the army chaplains. The fundamental rights and prohibitions on the religious practices are based upon the variations of the constitutional structure. Evaluation of issues faced by the chaplains regarding their religious practices is conducted by Religious Freedom Recovery Act and certain steps are taken to enhance the freedom to religious practices which are lacking in the traditional constitution (Moore, 2006).

The U.S. army has a lengthy record of acknowledging and flexible the spiritual variety of its defense force. Originally, the U.S. Military Chaplaincy contains Protestant local clergy. Catholic chaplains were first enrolled during the Mexican-American War and later Judaism chaplains during the Municipal War. These days the chaplaincy has over 200 categories that have been provided ecclesiastical supporting position, such as Islamic categories, Buddhist categories, and Mormons.

Spiritual independence takes on an additional significance in the current worldwide atmosphere, where religious inspirations are an improving reasoning for fighting issue. At a time when the Combined Declares is motivating greater religious independence in Islamic countries, it is crucial upon the United States to show by example that religious pluralism is a practical and ...
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