Five-Axis Diagnosis Of Rodney

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Five-Axis Diagnosis of Rodney

Five-Axis Diagnosis of Rodney

This paper will examine five-axis identification of schizophrenia by the help of analyzing the incident of Rodney.

Five Axis of Schizophrenia

Following mentioned is the five axis of diagnosing schizophrenia:

Axis I- 295.1 Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type -92.84 hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder

Axis II- Delayed

Axis III-300.7 Hypochondriasis

Axis IV- V62.2 Occupational dilemma

Axis V-30: conduct is significantly manipulated by hallucinations or delusions OR severe mutilation in contact or decision OR incapacity to work out in approximately every area.

In the Case of Rodney

The incident of Rodney requires for the Axis I identification which brings about the quantifiable disorders that take in every diagnosis of psychiatry excluding the disorders of personality and mental retardation. As supported from evident indicators and bizarre attitude Rodney is undergoing with, schizophrenia and further disorders of psychosis are going to be diagnosed. Hallucinations, delusions, impractical imaging, and societal abandonment that Rodney is experiencing create a strong foundation to cut schizophrenia off from disorders of psychosis. Although few indicators of disorder of anti-social personality, Axis II identification is directed to be postponed in this incident as the Axis I and II identifications cannot be conducted at the same time. As by carrying this out even as still Rodney is going through axis I identification will cause the spurious analysis of his individuality. The diagnoses of axis II are initially detected in infancy or babyhood and are complicated to fabricate, therefore are crafted later than numerous consultations with a medical doctor.

The next identification will be diagnosis of Axis III that takes in usual condition of body that could be of substantial assistance in dealing with the mental disorder of Rodney. As, he emerges to undergo with hypothyroidism and headaches which is recognized to be the cause of sadness and leading to worsening of psychological warning signs it would be established ...
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