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Finance Park

Finance Park



Service-learning is an educational methodology that combines academic curriculum with community service, frequently youth. As a teaching methodology falls under the philosophy of experiential education, more specifically integrates community service with education and self-knowledge as a way to enrich the educational experience, teaching good citizenship, encourage social involvement throughout life, and strengthen the good common communities. Community service learning is a both a process and a product. The process of identifying, planning and meeting a community need empowers youth to “own” the project. Built-in reflection time adds value and depth to students' experience by integrating them into learner-centered classroom discussions.

The book Learning Service (ApS): education and civic engagement published in 2009 defined the service-learning as:

"A methodology that combines in a single learning activity content, skills and values ??to the tasks of community service. Learning Service on the idea that mutual aid is a mechanism for personal growth, better economic and social the obsessive pursuit of individual gain. In addition to putting the reader in what is service learning, this work presents several examples, it falls within the main traditions of contemporary education and addresses the elements that characterize it: the needs it serves, the idea of ??service proposed and the learning it provides, and the issues to be taken into account when you want to generalize the learning service territory. "


Those educational components of the community service program in which participants take part, and provides structured time for students or participants to reflect on the experience of community service.

Community service learning is a both a process and a product. The process of identifying, planning and meeting a community need empowers youth to “own” the project. Built-in reflection time adds value and depth to students' experience by integrating them into learner-centered classroom discussions. Community service learning:

Builds in time and space to discuss, role play and write about their service experience

Empowers youth to use their skills and knowledge in real-life situations

Extends their classroom experience into the community, and vice-versa

Here are some elements of high quality service learning to take into consideration:

Service-learning combines the benefits of experiential learning and community service. Characterized by:

Curricular Connections: Students learn and develop. Integrate learning in a service project is key to the success of service-learning. Academic linkages (with curriculum) must be clear and be built on existing skills of the specific discipline. Student participation: In addition to being actively involved in the project itself, students have the opportunity to select, design, implement and evaluate their service activity. Reflection: We create structured opportunities to think, talk and write about the service experience. The balance between reflection and action enables students at all times be aware of the impact of their work. Community Partnership: The partnership of the school with social partners to identify real needs provides guidance and provides means for the success of the project. In a successful partnership, both sides must contribute to and benefit from the project. To do this, you must create clear guidelines for example on the ...
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