File Sharing: What Have You Seen?

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File Sharing: What have you seen?


The advancement in the field of computer technology has provided us with many privileges. The most important of these privileges is the sharing and distribution of information. File sharing through CDs, storage devices and the Internet has allowed a number of users to access useful information. The Internet was founded with the intent of connecting all people together. The invention of the Internet has not only connected the world but has also allowed data and file sharing. With the help of file sharing, individuals can share and exchange their ideas and views freely. The advanced methods of file sharing are now replacing the traditional ones.


File sharing networks are an important part of advanced technology. However, the penetration of this technology into the life of every computer user has raised several concerns. For some people, P2P technology is very useful because it offers them to share massive data files free of cost. However, there are some people who consider it illegal.

File sharing is very common among students since it allows them to share files without any trouble. However, CD burning and file sharing applications are opposed by people who belong to the entertainment industry. It is because individuals working in this industry are concerned about copyright issues. Therefore, they believe that it is unethical to download music files from the Internet free of cost (Gee & Strumpf, 2009).

Being a student, I consider file sharing very useful. I have personal experience of file sharing and CD burning, and I have observed other students doing the same thing. According to my personal experience, file sharing is a unique and useful facility for users, particularly students. It allows students to retrieve relevant data from the Internet. Students also share their data with their class fellows for critical projects as ...
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