Explanations Of Quotations From Othello

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Explanations of Quotations from Othello

Explanations of Quotations from Othello

In this phrase Iago is basically saying to Roderigo that he is actually not what he seems but its explanation has much depth than that. Here is a person who is in fact not what he appears to others, it is his technique of tricking people to put people into thinking he is something which he is not and thorough this scheming he brought his disgrace.

In this phrase Iago is still pretending his loyalty to Othello. Though Iago used to show his loyalty towards Othello but he was still plotting against him.

Here it is said to the fathers that they should not trust the outward behavior of their daughter as she may be hiding perverted thoughts behind obedient nods and smile. It is what Brabantio thought upon learning about Desdemona's run away with Othello.

Janus is a two faced God in Roman mythology. In this line Iago is swearing upon something which is not certain and this makes the swearing meaningless.

Here the Othello is giving respect to the age of Brabantio rather than his weapons. For Othello, Brabantio was respectable just because he was older than him rather than the police or security force he had with him.

It is an advice from Duke to Brabantio when he accused Othello of witch crafting Desdemona. Here the Duke advised Brabantio that he should not make such stories and should accept what has happened.

Here the Othello still could not figure out the evil of Iago and believed him rather than Desdemona. His distrust finally broke him down to murder Desdemona. Here Othello is praising the pretended honesty of Iago.

Here the Duke tells Brabant that though his son-in-law is black in color but he does not possess any darkness which is an aspect often linked to the blackness. Rather Othello was truthful and honest.

Brabant, angry upon Desdemona's run away, ask Othello to not to trust her, as he has already deceived her father. According to Brabantio, if a girl could deceive her father, she can do similar with her husband.

Here Iago is showing false bonding and friendship towards Othello and asking him to be united in order to take revenge from Cassio.

Here Iago is criticizing the honesty and nobility of Othello. For Iago these qualities meant nothing and according to him these things make people only dull and mindless just like the asses who could be led anywhere by anyone.

While observing the perfect harmony between Othello and Desdemona, Iago secretly comment that he will turn the pegs of the instrument down to break their harmony. Their love was the instrument which strings Iago was planning to lose.

Here Iago is planning to dismount Cassio from the positions he has been given in Cyprus. Cassio was considered to be a calm and peaceful man but they did not know him really as he was an outsider so Iago decided to provoke him until he act against his nature and it will result ...
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