Evidence Based Practice

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Evidence Based Practice

[Name of the institute]Evidence Based Practice


Whenever an individual suffer from any sort of illness he or she relies on health service providers. Various members of the health care setting play their part in improving mental and physical well being of an individual. Having the access to the healthcare facility is the basic right of every citizen; therefore, it should be the aim of the healthcare system to provide the best healthcare to the citizens which ever class they belong to. However, there are also some ways that can be opted by the healthcare system to further bring improvements in the health care system. One of the ways that is getting more and more exposure and has become important part of the healthcare is evidence based practice. The following part of the paper describes the phenomenon of evidence based practice its implications and problem from real life learning and implication of evidence based practice in that.

Relevance of Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is defined as the use of conscious, explicit and judicious use of current and updated evidence in making decisions in the care of individual patients. The EBP aims to combine the experience of methodologically health professional with the most current information on the clinical situation it faces. The evidence based practice represents a new model of clinical practice where the decisions of the physician must remain be in integration between his experience and explicit use of the best evidence scientifically to achieve the accuracy of diagnostic tests, the power of prognostic factors, the efficacy, safety of preventive treatments. In other words, the EBP is a process of self-study in which the doctor converts the need of information in well defined clinical questions, searching the best available evidence and, after evaluating critically the validity and clinical applicability, uses them to his professional activities (Beyea & Slattery 2006, 25).

The EBP was founded as a methodology for applying research results to the individual patient, but is increasingly being used to plan strategies for health policy. In fact, the serious imbalance between limited resources and increasing demand and costs, imposed the need to plan public health through an explicit description of the sources on which to set priorities. In other words, decisions that are opinions based are based on the subjective opinion of the experts must be evidence based. This means that we must systematically search for, evaluate and make available best evidence, for the decisions that affect the health of a population. The United Kingdom's Ministry of Health has determined that the EBP is one of three strategies that will guide health policy in the 21st century and therefore the Evidence Based Health Care is already a reality and in United kingdom these initiatives depend on the commitment of individual institutions, rather than be promoted and fostered by the competent bodies (Beyea & Slattery 2006, 25).

Implications of Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care

The advantage of evidence based practice in healthcare settings is obvious which ...
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