Evaluation Of Global Interventions On Measles Eradication Programs

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Evaluation of Global Interventions on Measles Eradication Programs

Evaluation Of Global Interventions On Measles Eradication Programs


Nature has blessed the world and its inhabitants with infinite blessings and opportunities for exploiting those blessings to turn them into something more valuable and beneficial. When it comes to humans, the biggest blessing that a person can think of and revere as sublime, is the proper health, physical and mental condition; which God has blessed the person with, in comparison to all the glories of the world. For instance, no matter how much wealth and glory a person possesses, if he does not have sound health, or have been a victim of some incurable diseases, he cannot relish those glories that make a person's life full of exhilaration and joy. A person can only acknowledge and enjoy the other beauties if the world, once he is in the position of relishing his own sound existence; without sound health, every other thing looks so invaluable and bleak in comparison. Measles is one of those diseases which makes the life of an individual dull and bleak. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the health interventions and health systems with particular analysis of the disease, measles and its significance. Moreover, evaluation of global interventions dealing with measles and the progress of these interventions is also elaborated.


The literal meaning or definition of Healthcare entails the broad spectrum of health related services, which the health professionals, such as qualified doctors, nurses, paramedic staff and other related individuals render to the people (Thorne, 1993). These health professionals render their services for preserving the health of a common man; by safeguarding them form the numerous illnesses or physical adversity.

These services range from the diagnosis of the illness or injury, to the proper treatment, cure and after treatment services, provided either in a medical vicinity or even at the patient's home. These services are rendered by the medical professionals, and cater to a broad range of services; therefore, the medical professionals range from the field of medicine, care providers, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and many more. The cares that are provided encompass all the primary, secondary and tertiary medical services for the suffering or requiring those services.

Health Care System in Australia

The paper so far has discussed not only the significance of health, but also the imperativeness of the astute, prompt and reliable health care services, which may ensure the preservation of the sound health of the individual. Australia fortunately is amongst the few developed countries of the world that possess all the required and desired facilities in the healthcare and medical department (Worthley, 2003). There exists no doubt about the fact that the services provided by the healthcare system of Australia, is substantially advanced, prompt and rather reliable; and the government is playing a pivotal role in furnishing this domain with even more facilities and resources.

It is to be noted here that the healthcare system of Australia was never in his condition and form as it is ...
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