European Union

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What Role Has Treaty Change Played In The Gradual Development Of The European Union?

What Role Has Treaty Change Played In The Gradual Development Of The European Union?


In 1992, the European Union was established in Maastricht, Netherlands. In November 1993, it politically started its operation as an organisation and steadily turned out to be important actors in affairs across the globe. Without any doubt European Union has turned out to be a political organisation in Europe with the small and unusual authorities which are more likely to look prior to anything else and regarding which, economic, regional and political activities are highly prone to be geared. The European Union contains twenty seven states of Europe and these states are structured with three core institutes, The European Council, the European Parliament with 736 members and the European Commission.

The treaties of the European Union are actually the constitutional law of the Union, in which all institutions, policies and legislation procedures are described. They are the primary law of the European Union. The sources of European Union law are three, namely, primary sources, derived sources and alternative sources of law. Primary sources or primary law, consist of the Treaties establishing the European Union. Derived sources constituted by elements of the law based on the Treaties. Contained in legislation, secondary legislation and treaty law unilaterally. The subsidiary sources consist of elements of law that not foreseen in the Treaties. It is the Court of Justice, international law and general principles of law. The sources of law of the European Union (EU) are three: primary sources, sources of legislation and subsidiaries source of Law (Wessels, 2001).

The coming days ahead are decisive for the euro area. At the summit held in Brussels, the European Union countries have agreed to study a possible change treaty. It could improve the functioning of the euro area and in particular strengthen fiscal discipline. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Union announced a complete overhaul of the institutional architecture defined by the Lisbon Treaty was not considered. The possible change will be "limited" and "will not happen without the agreement of 27 countries of the European Union. He was charged to prepare a report on the subject. President of the European Union pleaded primarily for strengthening economic governance of EMU and has insisted that the ambition is to deepen the economic union and strengthen fiscal discipline.

Berlin calls for a revision of the treaties in order to tighten fiscal discipline and to ensure that all States operate rigor and do not let slip their deficits."We looked at how we can strengthen fiscal discipline in this regard we have said explicitly that changes in the Treaty can not be excluded", welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel after the summit.

Other countries like France call for a revision of the treaties, not necessarily share the ambitions of Berlin. Some even push for a treaty revision to implement the Eurobond, which would pool the debt within the euro ...
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