Ethical Issues Related To Human Sexuality And Human Life

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Ethical Issues Related to Human Sexuality and Human Life

Ethical Issues Related to Human Sexuality and Human Life

Issues related to Human Sexuality

Marriage is an imperative issue in Christianity and Bible is an important pillar of the belief of Christianity. Other aspects of life such as remarriage, homosexuality, contraception, and reproductive technologies are also surrounded by many ethical issues. On various occasion Bible has discussed the issue of marriage. In the Bible, it is written that it is not a good thing for a man if he prefers to live alone. Bible mentions that a woman is created for each man from his rib so that he feels complete.

God is the one who designed and created this institution of marriage. According to the verses of Bible marriage is a relationship that is based on the factors of intimacy and companionship. The discussion over the topic of marriage in Bible reflects what was the custom and tradition during the Biblical time. There are different types of marriage that god has declared and blessed in the Bible. These different types of marriage include polygamous marriage, levirate marriage, mixed marriage, prisoners of war marriage, slave marriage and same-sex marriage (Adam, 1986). This shows that even homosexuality has been discussed in the Bible.

“I hate divorce” are the words written in Bible about the act of divorce. This clearly suggests that God does not appreciate divorcing a partner. However, there are certain conditions in which Bible allows the act of divorcing the partner. Bible allows divorce in the condition where the partners are not faithful to each other and divorce is allowed in the condition of abandonment. According to the Bible, contraceptives should not be used by the people. God has blessed us with lives; therefore, we should be happy with whatever he gives us (Adam, 1986). The artificial ways that assist human beings in reproducing have also not been like by God. He says that this should not be used, and only biological reproduction should take place (Matthew 19:8). Controversy over whether divorce is allowed on the written record is based primarily on Jesus' words in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9. The phrase "except that prostitution" is the only place in Scripture that perhaps gives God's permission for divorce and remarriage. Many interpreters understand this "exception clause" which refers to the "disloyalty" during the engagement. In Jewish custom, a man and a woman were considered married even ...
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