Ethical Character-Driven Leadership

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Ethical character-driven leadership style of a powerful woman? Oprah Winfrey

Ethical character-driven leadership style of a powerful woman? Oprah Winfrey

Considering the fact that Oprah Winfrey hasn't been designated as a leader? she has sort of emerged as one by way of referent power. Referent power? also termed role model power? is the ability to influence others that arises when one person admires another. It's the personal power or influence held by people who are liked? admired? and respected. As Engle berg and Wynn stated? "When certain individuals demonstrate that they are effective communicators? talented organizers? shrewd problem solvers? and good listeners? we are more likely to be influenced by them." (Bennis? 1989) It could also be argued? though? that she has reward power? which is the power to reward others with cash? prizes? etc.

As for her actual leadership style? of the three categories (autocratic? democratic and laissez-faire)? she would probably more of an autocrat in the boardroom and laissez-faire with her audience. An autocratic leadership style is when the leader tries to control the direction and outcome of a discussion? which I could see her doing with her company Harpo. A laissez-faire approach is when the leader lets the group take accusation of all choices and actions. (Bennis? 1989) Recently? Oprah gave $1000.00 to each of her audience members with the stipulation that they use it for a random act of kindness. In that instance? she exhibited a laissez-faire style in letting the audience make their own decisions on how to use that money. (Bennis? 1989) Character is the inherent complex of attributes that determine a person's moral and ethical actions and reactions. There are all sorts of words that make available illustrations of good character. These include? but are not limited to such terms as: honesty? inspiring? courageous? unselfish? competent? tact? loyal? integrity? loyal? trustworthiness? respect? responsibility? fairness? caring? and citizenship.

Bennis (1989) said that after vision and passion? integrity (character) is the most basic fundamental competency to be leader. Character? proper ethics? and integrity are based on the foundation of trust. Do the people you guide belief you in your leadership role? This is positively impressive if everyone must ask themselves as leaders. If the answer is no or not completely? then what can we do as leaders to develop that trust? Probably one the most widely referenced material related to character is from the Josephson Institute ...
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