Essay Contest Rules

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Essay Contest Rules


LCOJ Inc. is planning to motivate the students in the new, innovative way. The aim of the LCOJ Inc is to motivate and recognize the students for their efforts by participating in the state and national essay and quiz contest programs. Therefore, the LCOJ Inc is launching a website for the high school students that will help the students to do their homework and submit it to their teachers. The website will be built level by level i.e. it caters the students from 5-8 grades to 9-12 grades. The objective of this contest program is to motivate students to excel in their carriers so that they turn to be successful generation of United States. Proper carrier guiding and carrier counselling will help the students to graduate at the age of 17.


The purpose of the essay and quiz contest program is to motivate and challenge the students to excel; which will recognize and help them for their efforts by participating in the national and state level essay and quiz contest. This program is an online program which requires no special equipments and is easy to accessible. This program is also beneficial for teachers who think that they can support students in their efforts. Therefore, such teachers are eligible for the contest which guarantees the complete commitment to excel in education industry.

The target market of this contest program comprises the two levels of students. The level one is for students in grades 5 through 8, and level two is for students in grades 9 through 12. All the students of public, private and home schools are eligible for the essay and quiz contest.

The essay and quiz contest is open to all students of the United State who, as of January 1, 2009, is enrolled as a high school ...
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