Essay #1

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Essay #1


The purpose of writing this essay is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts relating to the article, Male Pride and female prejudice, written by John Tierney. In this article Tierney suggests that the smaller population of male college students as compare to female students will lead to a problem. Tierney further claimed that fewer enrolments of males in college and high school may also lead to marriage problems i.e. there will be too few male partners for women. The writer has blamed the policies that are currently in place, as a discouraging factor for the male society to get enrolled in colleges and high schools. Another aspect covered in this article in the quality of education and the curriculum followed in college and universities in the modern times, the writer is of the opinion that given the cafeteria-style curricula in many colleges and universities, many students, in the liberal arts especially, leave school without any marketable skills. Their training and much of their practical education will occur on the job (Tierney, 2006). In the next section, we will examine whether Tierney has identified anyone as particularly responsible for this situation. We will also find out whether the writer has proposed and solution to overcome this issue.

Discussion & Analysis

As discussed above, Tierney has clearly identified the policies followed by the colleges and universities and also the environment, as primary determinants for the lack of male dominance in college and universities. Male society has been discouraged to take part in high schools and universities, just because of the lack of policies, which in turn, lead to the dominance of the women society in college and universities. If we look at the ratio of women as compared to men, a quarter century ago, women were in minority. ...
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