Escort Services

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Escort Services

Escort Services


Prostitution or escort services is offering or agreeing to engage in a sexual act, or actually engaging in a sexual act, with another for a fee. In some jurisdictions the crime of prostitution applies only to the prostitute, while other jurisdictions define the offence to include the client as well as the prostitute. Prostitutes may be male or female and may sell their services for either heterosexual or homosexual activity. However, most prostitutes are female who deal with male clients. Throughout history, prostitutes have been stigmatized by society and subjected to various punishments. Until very recently, their clients have escaped either stigmatization or criminal sanction ( 1999, n.a).

In Western Europe, prostitution or escort services was accepted and regulated by the state until the Protestant Reformation. Public houses of prostitution, called brothels, flourished. In the United States prostitution was tolerated until the end of the nineteenth century. The social values of the time emphasized the loose morals of female prostitute and the need of young men to sow their wild oats. The so-called “double standard,” where men could be promiscuous but women could not, flourished, especially in large urban areas and the frontier.

Proposed Aims and Objectives

The aim of the study is to explore and examine the sociology of escort service. In the research will focus on following aspects:

Escort service as one of the forms of sex services. There is much said about prostitution and issues of its legality, morality and its relation to risky behaviour. The services which are offered by escort agencies present wide range and not always have sexual connotations.

Lifestyle The study will explore how the current difficult economic times affect women and their choices of ways to earn a living. It will question whether work in the sex industry, specifically in escort service, is perceived of as an easy and fast way of earning money; if this is the case, then the study will examine whether that perception changes when confronted with the reality of working as a prostitute and explore any other financial motives that might attract women into work in the sex industry.

Recruitment. The study will examine how women are recruited by escort agencies: what are the stages recruitment and conditions of employment. Whereas women plan to join escort service only for short period of time or perhaps recognize it as a long term employment (Outshoorn 2004, 54 - 99).

Criminal Activity. Whether women who work in the sex industry are presenting other high risk behaviours such as drug and/or alcohol abuse or committing criminal offences will be examined.

Gender myths and stereotypes How stereotypes and myths about women and sex work presented by British society affect situation of sex workers.

Media: the role of Internet in advertising, publicising and communicating with clients using escort services. The consequences of using Internet as tool in increasing profits from escort services.

The differences between work of escort working independently and via agency

Present views of working women on specifics of escort services and impact of work on their ...
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