Enterprise Architecture Concepts

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Enterprise Architecture Concepts

Enterprise Architecture Concepts

Assignment 1

Motivating Scenario

The Building Service Authority Act was proposed in the year 1992. This authority and Act was established to maintain the building industry through the contractor license, its purpose is to bring awareness in the customer about the obligation and right. It also has legal rights and lawful considerations. It handles all the problems regarding building disputes and protects the customers against any unfair activity. The make a person liable if it does not comply with the laws of BSA.

It is also called the Queensland Building Service Authority. The major objective of this act is to promote the quality and improve standards of the building. This will make the Queenslanders feel better and live a safe and quality life in their buildings. There is BSA licence for the contractors building over $ 3,300.

BSA now wants to adopt a complete paperless environment that will help them to bring innovation and bring change in the environment. BSA want their customer to access the information rapidly and accurately that is only possible with the help of information technology and implementing database that information could be recorded in the system so no paper will be required.

Source: http://www.bsa.qld.gov.au/ (accessed March 2012)

Structure of the assignment

Title: BSA Paperless Office

1. Identification of the changed Business

The BSA should change the business through going paperless and it should implement ERP system. These are some services for which too much paper was used. There are seminars for the education and awareness of consumers and licensees that required several paper works. There are fact sheets and other technical publications available for BSA offices. There are warranty services also if a person hired BSA licensee's contractors. BSA provides high support to the customers and contractors so that there would not be any severe issue. Not only that if any issue is raised between the customer and other party BSA solves that issue and ensure that issue would not occur again. BSA is effective and provides equality in solving the issue. There are several steps that are followed by BSA in resolving the issue between the contractor and the homeland owners. If contractors do not comply with the standards BSA rectify the contractors. BSA provides satisfaction and high quality in building industry. BSA is satisfying its customer at their best then only problem that is seemed in the organization is lack of retrieving of data because of too much paper work and could not provide the accurate data at once. This problem will be solved by implementing the change of the technology and going paperless that means everything will be managed through the information system. It has become important for the business to bring this technology to facilitate their stakeholders. This change of BSA will facilitate their customers and contractor's misunderstanding and disputes and it will be easy for the organization to resolve their disputes.

2. The Business concept

2.1 The mission and the vision

BSA has provided laws and legal regulations for the contractors to make the ...
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