Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence


Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize feelings themselves and others, and the ability to handle them. The term was popularized by Daniel Goleman , in his famous book, Emotional Intelligence, published in 1995. Goleman believes that emotional intelligence can be organized around five capabilities: to know the emotions and feelings, manage, recognize, create your own motivation, and managing relationships.

The Three Sources of Feelings

Emotions are the outward expressions of feelings accumulated and formed in the areas of imagination and visualization. There are three sources of feelings that interprets all information that comes to man through the five senses and gives meaning to what we perceive.

Our own history, culture and experiences, whether good or bad, we have been programmed to feel in one way or another, and give a sense different from all others.

The dark side of what we call the evil spirit that encourages us to take a dark sense and see things from their point of view and then place in our imagination and display the result to make sense of all the negative view. Often used sense fears of poverty, danger, hunger, rejection and so on. to induce in us the emotions and negative decisions. "

The side of the spiritual light that we call God is encouraging us to take an uplifting or positive sense and see things from their point of view and then place in our imagination and display the result of taking the sense that everything is for our good and everything will be alright.

There are more than a dozen levels; I will cut them roughly to three:

Overwhelmed by their emotions

Low self-esteem, guilt and depression show a low emotional intelligence. A person cannot understand myself, and because of their feelings. He has a bad mood, and he is not able to effectively communicate with the outside world. This means a complete personal failure (dissatisfied with himself), and social failure (did not reach).

Managing emotions

The discipline shows in the development of emotional intelligence. Here, people understand some of their hidden motives and learn to manage their condition, the time to motivate yourself. This approach allows us to interact effectively with the outside world, to achieve certain goals and to achieve some success.

Observation of emotions

Enlightenment is the highest emotional intelligence. A person ceases to be a slave to your emotions (but continues to experience them). There are no ulterior motives, but there is a clear understanding of themselves and their intentions. Doubt no longer get in the way. High emotional intelligence means no "internal brake" for self-expression and, consequently, the success is a logical consequence of the actions of any person.

Myths concerning emotional intelligence

If anything positive can recognize the emotional intelligence concept is perhaps the emotions have put on everyone's lips, and have emphasized the importance that these are for education and life in general in plain language and accessible to the public . If this has been achieved in good time, although I attribute the merit to the concept but ...
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