Educational Psychology

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Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology


A Teacher is person who guides and imparts knowledge in any educational program. The teacher must be patient and understanding in delivering his information. Teacher must realize the needs of every individual, which creates foundation of prosperous nation. Teacher must be proficient in the subject matter means he must have complete command on the subject he is going to teach, physically fit so that he can cope up with every events occurring at educational level and he must be morally healthy for the sake of betterment of students' future. Similarly a morally unhealthy teacher is not only a danger for the whole of the society.

Educational Psychology

No doubt a mother's lap is the child's first school. Mother, thus plays the role of first teacher in a child's life. For the first three to five years the child is under the direct influence of his mother. The foundation of his character is laid during these initial years and whatever he learns during this period, significantly influences him throughout his entire life. This is the reason for so much emphasis being laid on having good and well-educated mothers.

Once the school days begin, a child is exposed to a completely different and new environment. Teachers hold the key role in the educational set-up (Tenenbaum 2001). I personally think that to have a high quality education we need to hire best quality teachers. Unfortunately, we are short of quality teachers in our institutions. One of the reasons, I suppose, being that compared to other profession, teaching is not a very promising one. With lesser growth opportunities plus financial benefits the profession offers less charm. The most brilliant students among the lot prefer other professions and those left with little choice join the education sector. In this regard the state authorities are required to consider the matter seriously and take positive steps to provide better facilities to the teachers.

Theoretical Framework

In the first place we need teachers with a very professional rather devotional approach towards the cause of education. He should take his job as a privilege and pleasure and not as a burden and a mere means to earn living.

Secondly a good teacher must focus his teaching plans on the future of his pupil. He should study his pupils' aptitude thoroughly and plan accordingly. A teacher must possess basic knowledge of psychology in order to understand and analyze the students' behavior.

Scholarly Works

A good teacher ought to portray himself as model to follow. He should be a man of high moral qualities and substance. He should put his self-example for his students to follow. Piaget's theory has practical implications for the role of teachers in the classroom (Darling-Hammond 2000). The information below outlines how teachers might structure their lessons if following Piaget's theory of how children think and learn.

Teachers should carefully assess the current stage of a child's cognitive development and only set tasks that the child is "ready" for. The child can then be set tasks that are tailored to its needs and are therefore ...
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