Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders develop as apparent indications of inner emotional or psychological distress or problems. They become the way that persons cope with adversities in their life. Eating, or not eating, is used to help impede out sore feelings. Without appropriate help and treatment, eating problems may persist all through life. Eating disorders are complex illnesses where both the disturbed eating pattern as well as the psychological aspects needs to be treated. Restoring a regular eating pattern in addition to a balanced diet is needed for balanced nutrition. Helping someone come to terms with the underlying emotional issues enables them to cope with difficulties in a way that is not hurtful to them.( Magill, 1993)

Orthorexia is a long-term behavior pattern, not short-term. When one switches to a tough or restrictive diet, one should yield considerable attention to nourishment and related matters until the new dietary regime becomes habitual. Such a transition time span may last for weeks. After the new diet is a custom, however, attention to nourishment should then decrease to a very reduced level. Paying attention to nourishment for a few weeks throughout a dietary transition is not orthorexia; certainly obsessing on nourishment over the long run is. In order for orthorexia to be a disorder all that is required is for it to have a important, negative influence on an individual's life. A person does not have to believe of nourishment 100% of the time to be orthorexic. (Adherence to firm religious nourishment disciplines is furthermore not orthorexia. Religions are based on love (at least in theory), so religious nourishment disciplines are (in theory) furthermore based on love, therefore, is not pathological. In short, love is not pathological, while fear, hate, and extremism, are pathological when they pattern one's ongoing cornerstone for behavior.( Gregory, 1987)

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