Drinking Water Crisis

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Drinking Water Crisis

Drinking Water Crisis


We all know that one of the main factors for life is water, but not all are aware of what it is. Water is the most important liquid on Earth as it covers three quarters of the total area, is an essential part in the development of living things, provides us with energy, the source of life, without it, the fields would be dry, would die of thirst; simply humanity would not exist as we know it. Throughout human history, this essential liquid has been a decisive element for the progress or failure of civilizations and encourages its development, growth and development when you have in sufficient quantities and is given a quality sound management appropriate, also becomes a fierce enemy when escaped human control and causes disasters that have marked our history (Glennon, 2010). This paper briefly discusses the geographical and political factors that affect access to clean water or clean water sources.

Discussion and Analysis

The water circulates in the hydrosphere (space from the lower ten miles of the atmosphere up to a kilometer below the earth's crust or lithosphere) through a maze of paths that constitute the so-called hydrological cycle, which has no beginning or end and whose various processes occur continuously. Of all water on the planet, the oceans store 1.350 billion cubic kilometers (km3), while in the continents divided as follows: glaciers covering 227.8 million km3, surface water, only 8.06 million, rivers and lakes contain a smaller portion, close to 0.225 million, and the atmosphere contains only 0.013 million km3 (Barlow, 2009).

Access to safe water and sanitation is a basic need human and as such is considered a fundamental right, enshrined in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights United Nations, December 1948, along with other social services necessary to ensure the individuals and families an adequate standard of living and dignity. In addition, access to safe water quality is a requirement essential to prevent diseases that cause detriment to the activities of people and not allowing them to reach their productive potential and wellness (Midkiff, 2007).

The demand for water has increased six times in the last decade, which is twice the rate of population growth. In 1900, consumption was 250 cubic meters (m3), while at present is 700 m3 per person per year. In Canada, this figure is doubled, so the country is, in this connection, the second after ...
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