Discipline Of International Relations

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With what central issues is the discipline of International Relations Concerned?

With what central issues is the discipline of International Relations Concerned?


International Relations are a branch of political science dealing with cross-border relations, both public (government and its institutions) and non-state actors (e.g., transnational interest groups, NGOs, international organizations, multinational corporations, and churches). Governments to come to a special status, because they are powered by its law more empowerment deserve and they have the monopoly on domestic policy.

These actors are in the structures of the national and the international system, in which they are involved at the same time. The discipline of international relations developed from the crisis of the European state system after the First and Second World Wars. This crisis had not only shaken the belief in progress and the optimism of modernism emanating from the assumption that the growing economic interdependence, the codification and development of international law and the triumph of public opinion may secure lasting peace (Anderson, 2008, p11).

It had also shown that the socio-political crisis-like events not within the traditional framework of "history" or "right" were interpretable. Added to this was the intensification of global trade and production relations, the development of ever more potent weapons systems as well as on regional impacts of environmental degradation. All these factors have increased the size and range of reciprocal influence of member states. Both fell through the continuous development of communication and transportation, the significance of distances. The different designations used the discipline (International Politics, International Relations, World Politics, Transnational Politics) signal while the variety of content and increasing functional differentiation, but also show that the core of the discipline, there is little consensus (Anderson, 2008, p11).


International Relations (IR) is officially born in 1919 when the Welsh patron David Davies financed the creation of the first chair of international politics at the University College of Wales in Aberystwyth. Context, the immediate post-First World War, explained both the raison d'être, the object of study and the cognitive interest of the new discipline. The rise of international relations, especially after World War II in the United States, is based on the specific needs of the foreign policy of this country, which is as a superpower.

Moreover, this supposed autonomy and development of international relations at this time had a lot to do with the instrumental nature: the discipline came into existence as a government initiative interested in the study of a new foreign policy for his country, a new product international reality. The strongly scientific-political international issues and their close relationship with political science in this country had much to do with the instrumental consideration in the study of the struggle for power abroad. It is then that the break with the departments of law and history, and international relations appears in all programs including political science (Griffiths, 2007, p8).

The development of this discipline in Britain was much influenced by American ...
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