Differing Approaches To Social Science Research

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Differing Approaches to Social Science Research

Differing Approaches to Social Science Research


Social science comprises of academic disciplines associated with human behavior and society. It may include many disciplines such as anthropology, economics, political science, linguistics, geography, history, social work, sociology, criminology, archeology, communication studies, education, international relations, law and psychology (Gilbert, 2008, pp.11). While social science research, requests to make good judgment of individual behaviors. Ahead of desiring a method, researchers have to reflect on the affection of issue, subject availability, time limitation, and under what conditions phenomena can be experienced. Researchers have to conclude the reason of their outcome. Finding facts cause and outcome, correlations and simplification each entails unlike research techniques. Outcomes of social science research consist of observations that are believed to be the most uncomplicated. The outcomes are not conjecture, as researchers are not confident what to anticipate from behavioral annotations, but a great amount of data can be found about one activities of interest. Generalization of observations of social science research is not simple especially for a large population (Berg, 2008, pp.41).

A structure for evaluation of human as well as social facet of a matter is known as qualitative research. It consents to a researcher to observe how citizens or a society think about a matter, seeks contribution from those concerned and tells story. Qualitative research techniques are quite challenging to assess. As a structure of practical tools, qualitative research techniques are cross-disciplinary. These qualitative research techniques are different in health research as compare to the sociology; assessment techniques are dissimilar as well (Bryman, 2008, pp.5).There are different qualitative research methodologies for generating data including interviews, observations, focus group, visual methods, photography and ethnography. New techniques are also used in analysis of data such as critical discourse.

Different Approaches to Social Science Research

Social science research seeks to relate scientific methods and cause to examine social developments. Employing forms of research, hypothetical models and measurement, social scientists expect to improved comprehend communal behaviors and happenings.

Typically in the study of social science we start with the ideas, but after giving ideas, we focus on those ideas to understand them. If we discuss researching we have two types of research one is the quantitative and the other is qualitative, but there are some key elements to social science research, which are common to almost every social research method (Black, 2002, pp.8). One of the keys is a literature review, in which we study the already known facts about the topic, knowledge of key contributors to the topic, already applied research methods, already applied theories and controversies related the topic. Another key point is the concepts and theories that help in finding result, questions are another key of research that provides the statements to the researcher. Selecting a case relevant to research is another key element of research. Similarly, collecting data and analyzing it for the fact finding are also important part of any research (Bryman, 2008, pp.8-15).

Qualitative research does not prefer to test a hypothesis infect answering a question is ...
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