Differences In The Baroque And Renaissance Styles

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Differences in the Baroque and Renaissance Styles

Differences in the Baroque and Renaissance Styles


There have been a number of different eras in the history of art that have left their signatures on various different areas of the field. However, the two most distinct eras include Renaissance and Baroque. In fact, some of the most famous artists have produces one of the most recognized and acknowledged masterpieces in these eras. Began in 1400s, the Renaissance period holds an important place in Europe's history. Soon followed in 1600s was the Baroque era, which then dominated various domains in art for several years. It is generally believed that the art practiced in these two eras is almost very similar to each other. However, the minor distinct differences are still used as arguments by the supporters of both the eras in the never-ending argument of which era produced a finer quality art.


The Baroque era was originated in the times when the categorization between Roman Catholics and Protestants also became the reason of division of churches. Moreover, many creations from the Baroque period are modified recreated versions of the most famous works of the Renaissance period (Carl, 2009). Therefore, this is the reason why both the styles share many similarities however differing in various aspects. The most discussed subject that is used in the arguments to define and differentiate both the eras is the Sculpture of the biblical hero David created by two of the most well known representatives of their two respective eras. They are Michelangelo and Bernini. Just like the two art styles, Michelangelo's David and Bernini's David remains are similar in many ways and differ at the same time.

The most obvious similarities between the two versions of the sculptures include the emphasize and focus if both the artists on the physical fitness ...
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