Developing Anterior Open Bite

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Developing Anterior Open Bite

Developing Anterior Open Bite


Anterior open bite can be dentoalveolar or skeletal in nature. Anterior open bite caused by aberrant customs, for example digit imbibing and tongue push is generally dentoalveolar and thus is more gladly amended by orthodontic remedy alone. (Hanson & Andrianopoulos 2003: 9)This is especially factual when the persevering is identified at an early age and the affiliated customs can be eliminated.20 Many patients with open bite are mouth breathers and have a let down nasal permeability. (Gould 2001)Dry rhinitis is furthermore very common in these patients and sputtering consonants are very tough for them to pronounce.


The case of a feminine persevering with Class III malocclusion affiliated with bilateral posterior traverse bite and anterior open bite is presented. (Epker 2003:278)Extraction of the four first premolars and orthodontic mechanotherapy with a fast maxillary expansion appliance and custom breaker refurbished function and advanced facial esthetics. (Efstratiadis 2000: 95)

History And General Clinical Picture

The persevering offered to the orthodontic clinic as a wholesome postmenarcheal feminine with the head accusation, "I will not close my mouth." (Tabacchini 2000:10)) The patient's chronological age was 13 years and 2 months. Her health and dental past notes were non-contributory. A thumb imbibing custom and tongue interposition were present. (Swinhart 2000:45)



The persevering had a Class III molar connection on the left edge and Class I on the right in the enduring dentition. She furthermore had a bilateral posterior crossbite and 8.5 mm anterior open bite (Figure 1). (Subtelny 2004:14) Approximately 2 mm of congesting was present on the maxillary arch and 1 mm on the mandibular. (Subtely & Subtelny 2004:10)The top midline was deviated to the left side. 

Figure 1: Pre-treatment intraoral image revealingpatient's assessed open bite (8.5mm) and bilateral posterior crossbite.

The panoramic radiograph illustrated that all the teeth were present ...
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