Demystifying Career Chaos: Young People Answer The Problem Of Youth Unemployment In Their Own Voice In Search Of Useful Modes To Access Careers Guidance
Demystifying Career Chaos: Young people answer the problem of youth unemployment in their own voice in search of useful modes to access Careers Guidance
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Research has been undertaken around the use of internet resources alongside Careers Guidance and it is useful to note the admittance that practitioners require on-going continued professional development in order to use resources effectively with 16-24 year olds. My research and experience in the careers guidance sector prompted me to look at new technologies (SMS text messaging and social media services) and look at a small cohort of young people attending a creative media based Arts Award project named 'Rites to Passage' delivered by Culture Works East in Norwich. The overall aim of this research is to explore whether young people aged 16-25 have a 'natural ability' to understand how web based technology can improve access to better career guidance and job search resources for their generation specifically within the context of a creative/media based project to engage young people aged 16-25 who are unemployed. I will facilitate a qualitative focus group with a group of 8 young people who have joined the Culture Works East 'Rites to Passage Project'. I have chosen narrative analysis for analysing my qualitative data as the many variations of the method allow a personable approach when considering data from qualitative methods including focus groups and one to one interviews. The findings of the study was presented on focused group interview provided that there were many different views of young people who stated that they use internet for training and employment opportunities as it provided.
Background of the study1
Rationale of the study3
Aims and objectives of the study3
Significance of the study4
Career guidance overview5
Career Chaos Theory8
Barriers faced by youth in Career guidance9
Web based technologies for career guidance10
Political context of youth unemployment13
Unemployment background16
Role of government18
Recommendation for career guidance20
Qualitative Research23
Focus Group and Interviews24
Data Analysis25
Data Sources or Participants26
Measures, Materials or Equipment26
Confidentiality Non-Disclosure27
Time Scales28
Focus Group interview Analysis30
How many of us use the Internet to look for training/employment opportunities and what methods/services are used (e.g. Facebook, Google, apps, yahoo, ask jeeves etc.) What are your thoughts?30
How many of us prefer to text to communicate with tutors, support workers, family and friends?31
If you were going to text someone some useful advice about finding a course/job what would it be? Collect ideas.31
What are your thoughts about being interviewed by a Careers Adviser over Skype? Collect ideas.31
How do you find searching for job descriptions/adverts online? Any thoughts about the words/language used?32