Death Penalty And Why It Should Be Banned

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Death penalty and why it should be banned

We currently still use death penalty as a punishment for certain crimes. There are a wide range of views people have on this subject, from it being barbaric to justice being served better in that way. But, the death penalty should be banned as a form of punishment. The death penalty causes too much financial stress on taxpayers, is not as effective and is a lesser punishment than life, and it slows down and impedes the court systems regular duties. There are many things in this society which should be banned, but the death penalty is not one of them. It is definitely the right way to go as far as capital discipline is concerned. Right now in our country, I find it outrageous that criminals think that they can get away with just about anything. In some states, including Alabama, the death penalty has helped them lower the rate of violent crimes. We need some form of capital punishment to send a message to career criminals that they will not get away with these severe crimes. (Barnes 160)

The death penalty should be banned because it causes too much financial stress on America's taxpayers. When compared to a criminal serving natural life, the cost of putting a felon to death is many times more expensive; this could range from being two to even five times more costly to taxpayers. This expense is caused mostly by the proceedings the court must go through to approve of such a punishment, including “endless appeals, additional required procedures, and legal wrangling that drag the process out”. These proceedings could take years to conclude; that are why it is not uncommon for a convict to spend fifteen to twenty years on death row. With great time, comes a great ...
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