David Hume And Immanuel Kant On Freedom

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David Hume and Immanuel Kant on Freedom

David Hume and Immanuel Kant on Freedom


The study of the behavior and the mind are known as the Psychology. Based on a scientific method the basic aim of psychology is to understand individuals and groups by developing both the particular cases through research and by general rules and principles, this is consider by many to benefit the society. In the field of psychology, a researcher or practitioner can be considered as a behavioral, cognitive scientist or a social scientist. The role of a psychologist is to understand the part the mental activities play in social and aberrant behavior, they also work to discover the neurobiological and physiological methods that trigger certain functions and behavior related to the cognition.

The job of a psychologist is to explore concepts like cognition, attention, emotion, perception, motivation, phenomenology, behavior, personality, function of the brain and interpersonal communication. Psychologist also focus on the unconscious brain activities, they use empirical methods to deduce fundamental and comparable associations between psychological variables. In opposition or in addition, to utilize deductive and empirical processes, some psychologists (clinical or counseling) multiple timers depend on the symbolic explanation and other suitable techniques. Psychology also uses the research from the study of humanities, such as philosophy.

The subject of Philosophy is about the study of fundamental and general problems, like the ones linked with knowledge, existence, reasons, values, language and mind. Philosophy is unique in its method of addressing issues and problems by generally, critical, methodological approach and its dependency on cogent arguments.


Basic Concepts

Epistemology focuses on the scope and nature of knowledge, like the links between belief, truth, and justification theories.

Skepticism is the situation that inquires the likelihood of mitigating any truth.

Rationalism is the importance on interpretation as a foundation of knowledge is known as rationalism.

Empiricism is the focus on observational facts through sensory occurrence over other facts as the basis of knowledge. Rationalism states that every likely article of knowledge can be infer from reasonable grounds without examination. Empiricism asserts that at least some information is only a subject of examination.

Metaphysics is the study of mainly the basic features of realism, such as time, existence, the relationship between the body and the mind, properties and their objects, parts and the wholes, events and processes. Metaphysics includes different theories of philosophy like idealism. (www.iep.utm.edu)

David Hume

David Hume was a historian, philosopher, economist and essayist of Scottish origin. He was born on 7 May 1711 and lived to an age of 65. He is chiefly known for his work in the field of philosophy (empiricism and skepticism). In the history of Scottish Enlightenment and western philosophy, he was one of the most worth noted individual.

A Treatise of Human Nature was the start of his work; from there he worked to develop a completely pure and natural science of human that focused on the psychological grounds of human nature. He was in complete opposition of the rationalist before him and concluded that rather than the reasons the desires, cravings control the ...
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