Cyberlaws On Censorship Versus Freedom Of Expression Is Correct

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Cyberlaws on Censorship Versus Freedom Of Expression is Correct

Cyberlaws on Censorship Versus Freedom Of Expression is Correct


Cyber culture is the cultures that emerged or are emerging the use of computers for communication, the entertainment and online marketing. Culture is born of the application of new information technologies and communication as the Internet. Culture based on the advantages and disadvantages of absolute freedom, the anonymity and netizens with rights and obligations (Goldsmith, Jack, Wu, Tim, 2006).


Cyberlaws On Censorship Versus Freedom Of Expression is correct

The Internet Freedoms are freedoms legally imposed by respect for fundamental rights in relation to the Internet. The freedom of expression, respect for privacy by the confidentiality of communication, are examples of what is meant by freedom on the internet. Technically based on network neutrality, it is defended by including a number of associations that advocate for. Internet, by virtue of its structure, is a tool of communication and freedom of expression very powerful, and thus escapes, in large part, the control state. Governments in many countries, concerned about the endangerment of their powers by the means of communication offered by the Internet, trying to apply a policy of censorship or control.

Associations for the defense of a free Internet are concerned about the measures taken in recent years by governments of different countries - the events of September 11 have sometimes been used as a pretext for more radical measures. The cryptology , including the asymmetric cryptography , is one of the most problematic. Various governments are unwilling to allow the use of only one asymmetric cryptographic software they have the key. Associations oppose this potential violation of privacy and require that citizens can use as they choose software encryption , such software PGP and its free version GnuPG. One of these liberties activists on the Internet is Richard Stallman , the founder of the movement of free software , which said "Privacy is simply abolished when governments are monitoring those to whom you speak, where you go and what you read".

The term "cyber" is used by several authors to group a number of contemporary cultural phenomena linked mainly, but not limited to, the profound impact that they have conducted digital technologies of information and communication on issues such as reality, space the time, the man himself and his social relations (Goldsmith, Jack, Wu, Tim, 2006).

Some authors like Kerckhove and Levy, define cyber culture as the third age of communication, which would set, an even more universal language than the alphabet: the digital language. One was that would have followed those of morality and writing. Kerkchove also aims to understand cyber culture from three major features: interactivity, hypertext and connectivity (Intelligence Online, Towards a Society website) (Goldsmith, Jack, Wu, Tim, 2006). It would have much to say about cyber culture. From the standpoint of the impact of technology, a key issue for the cyber culture is to discern how new technologies are affecting the intelligence and ways to use it. In this regard, Kerckhove, in his book, The ...